Examples using I2CΒΆ

Here is an example to read the ID of a BME280 pressure sensor. The I2C slave address is 0x76 and the ID register is 0xd0:

from pyBusPirateLite.I2C import I2C

i2c = I2C()
i2c.speed = '400kHz'
i2c.transfer([0xec, 0xd0])
r = i2c.write_then_read(1, 1, [0xed])
print(f'BME280 ID={hex(r[0])}')

In this case the register address has to be written to the device first, using 0xec = 0x76 << 1 as first data byte. When reading, the read address is 0xed = 0x76 << 1 + 0x01.